AGJF Scholarship Recipient - Senior

I am currently enrolled at The University of North Texas. This Fall I will be entering my fifth and final year with a major in Radio/TV/Film and a minor in Spanish. I am legally blind due to a brain tumor on my optic nerve; therefore, I have no peripheral vision, and far away or small objects are difficult to see. Although my chosen degree relies heavily on vision, my aim has always been to show myself and others that you do not necessarily have to have perfect eyesight to follow your dreams. I will be graduating next May and will finally have my bachelor’s degree in film production. I cannot express how excited and happy I am to receive my degree at last! None of this would have been possible without the love and kindness of everyone at the Alice Givens Jones Foundation and their wonderful sponsors. They’ve helped me from the very beginning, and been with me throughout these long years. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and God bless!